Saturday, 13 August 2016


From Thursday 11/8/2016, future 'Daily Images' are on Facebook

Click the link below to go there.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016


Prawns featured in tonight's dinner so I spared this one the fate of its brothers, for  a short spell anyway.

Canon 7D; Canon EF-S 60mm; ISO 800; f8.0; 1/60s. Flash. Hand held.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016


The combination of shapes and surfaces on this garden tap appealed to me.

Canon EOS 7D; Canon EF 24-105mm L IS USM @ 97mm; ISO 100; f5.6; 1/60s. Natural light. Hand held.

Monday, 8 August 2016


I noticed a photo friend of mine, who I haven't seen for some time, was considering doing a daily photo so this inspired me to resurrect my daily photo blog.

Please feel free to comment - good and bad points.

This was the evening sun streaming through our front window to create some nice shadows.

Canon EOS 7D; Canon EF-S 60mm; ISO 100; f3.5; 1/125s. Natural light. Hand held.